SU4HR team would like to invite you to subscribe to our Online platform and take the e-learning modules that aims to strengthen the competences of European and Latin America youth workers in key concepts of human rights education with minority young people and provide them the necessary knowledge and tools as learning resources to promote equality and address intolerance in the society. At the end of e-learning modules, users will:
- Deepen their understanding of concepts of human rights.
- Understand who are minorities, what are human rights and minority rights, how youth minorities are discriminated and how abuse of human rights minorities can generate negative outcomes.
- Learn what must be done to achieve equality and to create more tolerant societies for youth minorities.
- Learn how to carry out advocacy campaigns and initiatives.
- Learn the attributes that a human rights educator should have.
Learners are asked to pass a 10-question quiz at the end of each module, for a total of seven quizzes. Quiz questions are based on the information contained in the corresponding module.
Certificate: Each learner who passes the seven quizzes, reaching a 60% of right answers in every quiz, will receive a Certificate of Completion.
SU4HR is a Capacity Building for youth approved by Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Progamme of the European Union.